Snapshot of UNDP- and Global Fund-supported capacity development

Reaching key milestones: The Global Fund grants transferred to national entities

An overarching goal of UNDP’s role as interim Principal Recipient (PR) of the HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programmes of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) in countries where challenging operating environments exist is to develop the capacity of national entities to take over the management of the grants as soon as circumstances permit or to improve the national entities’ performance if they are already serving as PRs. UNDP’s tailored capacity development approach and emphasis on working with and through national systems and strategies has enabled it to successfully transition out of the role of PR in 33 countries and for three regional grants since 2003.

Capacity development and transition plans: a framework for systematic support

To ensure that its support for capacity development within the Global Fund grants is systematic, country owned and evidence based, UNDP has developed a comprehensive process and standard tools to jointly assess capacity gaps and work with key stakeholders to develop capacity development and transition plans. Once launched at the beginning of a grant, the establishment of these plans allows identified capacity gaps to be translated into concrete deliverables and outcomes with specific entities responsible for each, according to a clear timeline and associated budget. The process likewise ensures that progress can be monitored in all core functional areas of national health systems and project management arrangements, including capacities related to programming, monitoring and evaluation, supply chain management and financial management. The map below includes examples of priorities established through capacity development plans in countries where UNDP serves as interim Principal Recipient of the Global Fund grants. The Capacity Development Plan and Transition sections of this website outline the framework, tools and guidance for countries to plan, develop and monitor capacity development plans for health programmes and broader systems strengthening.

Complementing Global Fund risk assessments

UNDP-supported capacity development and transition plans are not intended to replace the Global Fund risk assessments. An example of an external risk assessment is the Global Fund assessment of potential Principal Recipients (PRs), which is carried out by the Local Fund Agent (LFA). The Global Fund assessment is similar to a capacity assessment; however, the LFA assessment is risk based and aims to determine the risks for the Global Fund.

Snapshot of UNDP-Global Fund capacity development support by country

In this map, you will find examples of the capacity development that UNDP supports in countries where it serves as interim Principal Recipient of the Global Fund grants. Based on government demand, UNDP also provides technical assistance to strengthen systems in a number of countries through financing agreements funded by domestic or other donor resources.

Hover your mouse over a country to view UNDP’s partnership modality and priority focus areas for capacity development, as established through joint planning exercises with government, civil society, United Nations agencies and other stakeholders.

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.