Building resilient and sustainable systems for health with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (the Global Fund)

A key channel for UNDP's efforts to build resilient and sustainable systems for health is the support it provides to countries to implement large-scale health programmes. This includes the management of HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria grants funded by the Global Fund in challenging, complex and high-risk country contexts. UNDP's overriding objective is to support national ownership, strengthen health systems and facilitate the sustainable transition of the programmes to national entities once circumstances permit.

UNDP’s strategy for HIV and health

UNDP’s work in HIV and health is based on the principles that health is both a driver and outcome of sustainable development and that actions across a wide range of development sectors have significant impact on health outcomes.

Why capacity development?

Unlocking transformation

UNDP defines capacity development as the process through which individuals, organizations, institutions and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time. It aims to unlock transformative change, that is, change that is generated, guided, and sustained by those whom it is meant to benefit. Capacity development can help to strengthen national systems and procedures for health services and improve programme implementation for better health outcomes.

Capacity development for health: why UNDP?

With its global reach, broad mandate and integrator role, UNDP is uniquely positioned to support the kind of systemic and structural change needed at the scale required to bring about sustainable transformation of systems for health. UNDP’s country presence and diverse experience in implementing health and development programmes and policy interventions inform its approaches to strengthening the capacities of national entities to implement large-scale health programmes.

Resources to drive impact

This website details UNDP’s approach, processes and tools for capacity development 1) within the context of health programme implementation and management, and 2) in support of building resilient and sustainable health systems at national and subnational levels. While particularly relevant for entities supporting the Global Fund programmes, the tools, examples and guidance on this site may be adapted to a range of capacity development objectives and needs of governments, civil society organizations, multilateral and bilateral agencies, and other stakeholders that help countries to make progress on the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the pledge to leave no one behind.

The capacity development process

National and subnational governments, multi-stakeholder coordinating bodies, civil society organizations, private sector entities and populations most affected by health and development challenges are all critical in designing, delivering and monitoring the effectiveness of public health programmes. UNDP works with these implementing partners to identify capacity gaps in systems, develop plans to address these gaps and support the implementation of capacity development plans. UNDP’s approach ensures a participatory process, using tools and methods that have been tested in a wide variety of environments.

Partnerships at the center

Beyond its partnership with the Global Fund, UNDP relies on partnerships with other United Nations agencies, public health organizations, civil society organizations and communities affected, among other stakeholders, at global, national, subnational and regional levels. UNDP leverages its integrator role to connect the dots between partners and sectors to harness the expertise and distributed capacities required to advance health equity and promote the health and well-being of both people and the planet.

Legal and policy environments for health

There is growing evidence of the unique and interrelated ways in which intersecting inequalities and legal, regulatory and policy environments affect health, particularly for vulnerable and key populations. The Human rights and legal environments and Key populations and gender sections of this website provide guidance and examples on how to reduce inequalities, promote human rights and gender equality, and develop enabling legal and policy environments to achieve universal health coverage and health and well-being for all.